Discovering Myers-Briggs

After first discovering the Myers-Briggs personality test during A-Level psychology, I remember being unbelievably excited to find out the true 'me' and something which really resonated with my personality. Honestly, I really can't remember what personality type I got those couple of years ago, but regardless I feel like a totally different person nowadays anyway. University alongside a multitude of other factors has definitely made me a more well-rounded individual, and I definitely have a stronger sense of self now more than ever.

You can take the test here, it really doesn't take too long and I think you'll really be surprised with the results. I was a little sceptical of the whole idea at first, because after all what can a simple test really tell us? Much like things such as horoscopes, often the answers are generic, don't really seem to relate to me directly and as much as everyone would deny it sometimes we answer questions how we would like to see ourselves as opposed to how we actually are. After taking this test and reading into it a little more though, I was super surprised to find out just how much my 'personality type' is relevant to me and how spot-on it really seemed.

Being an ENFP (which stands for Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling and Perception) means that I'm a total walking talking human contradiction - which makes no sense at all yet perfect sense to me. After reading up on my full report it became totally clear - I strive for perfectionism yet procrastinate to the max, I constantly want to be involved and fit in yet still remain independent, I'm completely carefree but totally overthink everything and also I'm super happy and bouncy all of the time and spread it easily amongst everyone but on the inside tend to keep everything bottled up.

Confusing, right?

Well, kind of. But the more I read about this personality type, the more traits I recognised in myself. The optimism and spontaneity of my character is something which a lot of people tend to pick up on quite a lot, but its something which Ive only really recognised myself after reading about it. The fact that I'm not actually that scared of change either but actually prefer to embrace it is something which I can completely understand, and actually talked about here before even discovering the Myers-Briggs test. I love to explore new-found interests and absolutely hate the thought of organization at the expense of creativity despite being a pretty organized and accounted for individual (most of the time...). It was also interesting to know I matched up with the character of Ron Weasley - after all who doesn't love some HP trivia amiright? After some digging around I found some pictures which really match up with my personality and how I'm feeling.
This quote really appeals to me and is something I can totally resonate with; I'm constantly being told that I should have been born in a different era and a lot of aspects in my life relate to this massively, including my music/style taste alongside some of 'the things I come out with' according to my Mam.

 I constantly like to search for a deeper meaning in something, and I've realised that its somewhat of a defining quality as my personality type as an ENFP. I think that for the most part, while it can lead to overthinking a lot of the time, it's definitely a positive aspect to my personality and something which I really want to make sure sticks around! I think that the ability to dream and let creativity flow is something which not everyone has, so I'm a pretty lucky lady to be able to see the 'more' in things.
Every. Single, Day.
 Overthinking things is my forte. Some might say it's an art. I just think its uber annoying. Either way it's something I apparently can't stop doing, so I guess I'll have to accept it!
I love the idea of this quote just because honestly I don't feel as though I give myself enough credit sometimes. I've realised recently that I'm really great at criticising myself and find it easy a lot of the time to just almost subconsciously put myself down - something which I think a lot of people could relate to. Even if I do say so myself I'm pretty good at cheering other people up so I really want to put myself in a much more positive mindset, and now I feel like that's actually happening more quotes like these resonate a lot with me and remind me to pick myself up sometimes!

Pretty much accurate. Especially the 'rainbows and sugar and cotton' segment which seems to fill up my brain for the majority of the time.

I always always always overthink every single thing, especially when it comes to relationships with other people and what things could 'mean' when really they couldn't mean anything at all. And then I overthink whether or not it even means something and if that means something. I think you get it...but at the same time I constantly want to be spontaneous and be completely carefree, WHY?!

Yep. Doesn't really need too much explanation but the resemblance is too uncanny.

This is ridiculously typically 'Em'. Anyone who knows me well definitely knows that I am an absolute pro at procrastination and doing anything in my power to not do the looming thing that must be done. At the same time, I want to be the best at everything I do and put all of my time and efforts into it. This internal conflict is something which I literally deal with every day, but I know that if I really put enough effort in I can get the shiz done and ignore the side of my brain that tells me to go and make a cuppa or seek out my old Twister board game and play a round or five all by myself (yep, I've really done that before).

I know this was a bit of a longer post, but I think its something which really matches up to my personality and is crazy accurate. While I don't think its the be-all and end-all of everything and I won't be relating my entire life to my results, I think that this discovery will help me to move forward with everything; in particular workload and also accepting the more positive aspects of my personality instead of dwelling on the negative.


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