Banana-rama Pancakes!

I've been fiddling about with these pancakes for a year or so now to try and make them as perfect as can be, and since a lot of people seem to think that they're much more difficult to make than they actually are I figured why not let ya'll know how I give it a try!

The recipe for these healthy bad lads is super simple, all you need is a banana and two eggs! Ripened bananas seem to work better because they taste that lil bit sweeter, and since you need to completely mash it up until theres as little lumps as possible it tends to make it a little bit easier too. Once you've done that, crack your two eggs into the same bowl and beat it all together with a fork and voila!

When it comes to cooking, heat your pan on a medium heat and add in a little coconut oil or cooking oil - depending on how healthy you feel like being. You then want to use a ladel or carefully pour the mixture into little blobs in your pan - try not to make them too big as they tend to cook quite quickly and be harder to flip! The most difficult part is often telling when to flip the pancakes as although they won't be cooked at all on the top they could be burning away underneath, so you want to try and tackle them when they look cooked around the edges and give it a good flip! I find it only takes around a minute on either side!
Then all thats left is to pick out a couple of toppings of your own choice, here's where I like to go a little bit fruit-crazy...I love adding a ridiculous amount of strawberries and often find that adding yoghurt really adds to the pancakes as they can be a little bit lacking in taste sometimes. Here I've used Onken's mango and passionfruit yoghurt (a personal fave) and topped it all off with some yummy frozen blueberries. You can also always add some protein powder into them to get that little bit more energy, or a little vanilla extract to sweeten them!

I hope you've enjoyed this simple little breakfast that's sure to make your tummy smile!
Happy Monday!


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