
Thinking a lot about the past few months, and the mahoosive break I took from the blogging world, I think it definitely done my little soul some good.

It's hard to actually believe how much has changed in my world; both on the inside and outside. The past 6 months seem to have been a whirlwind to say the least. A whole year of university has flew by without me even stopping to realise, old relationships ending, new relationships flourishing - you name it and it's probably happened! Amongst all of the craziness that has been my life for the past 6 months I think its probably been the most eye-opening time of my short life so far, and I don't think that I could have developed more as an individual - hence my (not so) great return.

A couple of weeks ago, I visited home for a weekend and after being encouraged by a lecturer to simply 'go out, see the world and rediscover your passion' that's exactly what I did. In an attempt to capture the essence of 'me' for some university work, I ended up being led towards the beach (otherwise known as my second home) for answers; something which seems to happen a lot.
I made myself a year-6-style packed lunch complete with tin foil sandwiches and set off with my car boot full of blankets and cushions. My intention was to create my own little happy place and really open my mind up to unclog my unproductive and blocked up thoughts. Living in the city at university really makes me appreciate the home comforts of sea and sand being a simple 20 minute drive from my house, and the complete silence of the beach and sunshine never fails to make my soul that little bit bouncier.
A lot of the time, I've found that the idea of change or growth often scares a lot of people. I've been told that I've changed too much, or that I'm changing as a person in a derogatory way which I suppose has always made me think of change as something bad or associated with the negative. Don't get me wrong, I think that you can often change for the worse and maybe not realise it, but I honestly don't think that this is something which I've came across in myself just yet and trust me I've got the right kind of people to tell me if that happens - my Mam being on the top of the list. Over the past few months I've came to realise that I'm constantly changing as an individual and growing as a human being - and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. I think that I'm currently going through probably the most transitional period of my life - definitely as of yet - and part of that is finding yourself and what you're really passionate about (as tragic and/or cheesy as it sounds).
Sometimes I think that you need to be by yourself to really know yourself, and every time I rediscover this I know myself that little bit better. I'm not saying to completely exclude yourself; theres nothing better than being surrounded by likeminded people, the ones you love or simply someone to share your journey with. But I've found that for me the best possible thing I could do for myself is just be alone with my thoughts and a good book. So, in my most recent attempt to return to the line world, I've decided to make this blog truly about me and my interests; something maybe a little bit more heartfelt than before.

Say hello to a new outlook on life - and blogging!


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