Breakfast Bowl #2: Oaty Overnight Jar

Happy Monday! This week I wanted to share with you all a really simple overnight oats recipe! I'm quite liking these more foody-type posts on a Monday to start your week off right, let me know what you think!

The best thing about this recipe is that you can literally choose whatever you fancy and pop it in a bowl or jar of your choice! For this little guy I decided to use layers to create my perfect monday morning energy boost! I used oats and soya milk, then layered banana, some natural vanilla yoghurt, more oats and finally some granola with frozen blueberries on top. Then all you want to do is pop it into the fridge overnight and tuck in in the morning!
You can create any kind of overnight jar you fancy, and fill it with whatever you like! When I make mine I tend to make sure that for the rest of my day I stick to less dense foods and less of the carby stuff just so I make sure that my day is still started off right but I balance it out. It's a great boost to start to your day as it has the carbs to give you the energy and the fruit to boost your spirits!

Let me know what you think and follow me over on instagram @emilydrinkeld for some sneak peeks of whats to come!


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